Books About Madagascar

Mada(gascar) Books


A History of Madagascar by Mervyn Brown.  The former British Ambassador to Madagascar penned the authoritative English-language history of the country.  If you are only going to read one book--it must be this one.

Complete late poetry of Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo : a facing-page translation from the Malagasy and French into English by Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo, translated by Leonard Fox.  And only $300...what a farce that his poetry is made inaccessible with such ludicrous pricing.

The eighth continent : life, death, and discovery in the lost world of Madagascar byPeter Tyson.

Lords and lemurs : mad scientists, kings with spears, and the survival of diversity in Madagascar by Alison Jolly. 

Muddling through in Madagascar by Dervla Murphy.

Madagascar : a short history by Solofo Randrianja.

State Department Bibliography that I found online:

  • Attenborough, David, Zoo Quest to Madagascar, Lutterworth Press, London, 1961.
  • Astuti, Rita,People of the Sea: Identity and Descent among the Vezo of Madagascar (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.
  • Bloch, Maurice, Placing the Dead: Tombs, Ancestral Villages, and Kinship Organization in Madagascar, Seminar Press, New York, 1971.
  • Bourgeacq, Jacques, and Liliane Ramarosoa, Voices from Madagascar: An Anthology of Contemporary Francophone Literature, Ohio University Press, Athens, 2002.
  • Bradt, Hilary, Madagascar The Bradt Travel Guide - 7th ed., Globe Pequot Press, 2002.
  • Cole, Jennifer, Forget Colonialism? Sacrifice and the Art of Memory in Madagascar, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2001.
  • Dahl, Oyvind and Yvind Dahl, Meanings in Madagascar: Cases of Intercultural Communication, Bergin & Garvey, 1999.
  • Durrell, Gerald, The Aye-Aye and I: A Rescue Mission in Madagascar, Arcade, New York, 1993.
  • Ellis, Stephen, The Rising of the Red Shawls: A Revolt in Madagascar, 1895-1899, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985.
  • Evers, Sandra, and Marc Spindler, ed. Cultures of Madagascar: Ebb and Flow of Influences, Leiden, Netherlands, 1995.
  • Fitzpatrick, Mary, and Paul Greenaway, Lonely Planet Madagascar - 4th ed., 2001.
  • Garbutt, Nick, Mammals of Madagascar, Pica Press, 1999.
  • Goodman, Steven M. and Bruce D. Patterson, ed. Natural Change and Human Impact in Madagascar, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington and London, 1997.
  • Goodman, Steven M. et al, ed. The Natural History of Madagascar, University of Chicago Press, (Jan. 2004).
  • Gow, Bonar, Madagascar and the Protestant Impact: The Work of the British Missions, 1818-1895, New York, 1979.
  • Jolly, Alison, A World Like Our Own: Man and Nature in Madagascar, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1980.
  • Kreamer, Christine Mulle, and Sarah Fee, Objects as Envoys: Cloth, Imagery, and Diplomacy in Madagascar, Smithsonian Institution, 2002.
  • Langrand, Olivier, Guide to the Birds of Madagascar, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1990.
  • Lanting. Frans, Madagascar: A World Out of Time, Aperture, New York, 1990.
  • Larson, Pier M., History and Memory in the Age of Enslavement: Becoming Merina in Highland Madagascar, 1770-1822, Heinemann, 2000.
  • Mack, John, Madagascar: Island of Ancestors, British Museum, London, 1986.
  • Mack, John, Malagasy Textiles, Shire Publications, 1989.
  • Mannoni, Octave, Prospero and Caliban: The Psychology of Colonization, Praeger, New York, 1956.
  • Mittermaier, Russell, et al. Lemurs of Madagascar, Conservation International, 1994.

  • Acquier, Jean-Louis, Architecture de Madagascar, Arthaud, Paris, 1997.
  • La Cité des Mille: Antananarivo: Histoire, Architecture, Urbanisme, CITE/Tsipika, Antananarivo, 1998.
  • Cauvin, Patrick, Villa Vanille, Albin Michel, 1997.
  • De Flacourt, Etienne (annotated by Claude Alibert), Histoire de la Grande Ile Madagascar, Karthala, Paris, 1995.
  • Gallieni, Joseph, Neuf Ans à Madagascar, Hachette, Paris, 1908.
  • Guide Bleu Evasion, Madagascar, Hachette, Paris, 2001.
  • Guide Gallimard, Madagascar, 1999.
  • Randrianary, Victor, Madagascar: Les Chants d'une Ile, Cité de la Musique/Actes Sud, 2001.
  • Revel, Eric, Madagascar, L'Ile Rouge, Ballard, 1994.
  • Tronchon, Jacques, L'Insurrection Malgache de 1947, Karthala, Paris, 1987.
  • Verin, Pierre, Madagascar, Karthala, Paris, 1990.

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