Yearly Re-reading List

Books and articles so noteworthy, profound, encouraging or helpful they are worth re-reading every year:

We hope it's obvious that our yearly RE-reading list are works that focus on the matters closest to us: God and Family.  A worthwhile exercise a mentor had me do once was to draw about 6 circles of expanding size (each around the one smaller).  I wrote my name in the smallest one and then the most important person, thing, being, possession etc. in each circle in order of importance (the least important thing should be in the outermost circle).  Tuck that piece of paper in your wallet (or take a picture of it on your phone), each time you need to make a decision, keep those priorities in mind. All that said, there's plenty of lighter reading out there--check out our 20132014, and 2015 Reading lists as well.  And all that said--we constantly FAIL and FALL SHORT every day:)

What's on your RE-reading list?  Comment below!

Wedding vows.  No, this isn't the name of a book.  I mean dig yours up and put them somewhere safe.  We put ours right here (another easy way is to email them to yourself)  At a minimum, once a year make it a point to pull them out, sit somewhere quiet and undistracted and read them.  Better yet, read them aloud.  Best, take hold of your spouse's hands, look him/her in the eyes and read them aloud. I've also posted my life poem for Emily here.

Prodigal God.  This is one of the most UNpreachy books I have ever read--a great read for skeptic and follower alike.  My confession: as an English Major, I am embarrassed to say that I spent my whole life thinking that prodigal means someone who leaves and comes back begging for forgiveness.  Turns out, not only does it NOT mean that, but it's a pretty apt adjective for the extravagance and recklessness of God's love.  You can read more about my thoughts on it here.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters.  Wow.  Fellow fathers take notes.  This is on my yearly list so hopefully all the advice will all sink in by the time my girls hit puberty.  My notes on it are here

"Masters of Love" Atlantic Monthly Article   This article gives you the scientific skinny.  Pay attention to what your spouse thinks it important (how important you find it is irrelevant).    Look for things everyday that you can tell your spouse you appreciate them for.   Kindness is a muscle--the more it is exercise, the stronger it becomes.  Be kind, but most importantly be generous with your kindness--especially during a fight and especially in your assumptions about perceived sleights from your partner.  Finally, practice "active constructiveness" when your spouse gives you good news--what's that you ask...well, read the article.

Couples Who Stay Together Follow This One Rule
A good addendum to the 'Masters of Love' article but I will go ahead and just give you the rule: "If an argument crosses over from anger to contempt, it needs to stop immediately."


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